الأستاذ الدكتور / أوسامي سعيد راجح

Personal Data
Name : Prof. Dr. Osami Saied Rageh
Current Position: Dean of The High Institute fo Engineering and Technology, New Damietta, Egypt
Date of Birth: 28/6/1952
Place of Birth: Mansoura, Egypt
Phones: +201013580002
E.mail: drosamirageh@yahoo.com
Education & Degrees
1984 – 1990: Ph.D. Degree in Harbor Engineering, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU), Moscow, Russia.Thesis:" Effect of Ship Load on the Flexible Pawls"
1978 – 1984: M.Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering (Irrigation and Hydraulics), Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt. Thesis:" Study of Mathematical Models of Irrigation Systems”
1971 – 1976: B. Sc. In Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.
Employment History
2019 – Present: Dean of The High Institute for Engineering and Technology, New Damietta, Egypt.
2011 – Present: Professor of Harbor Engineering Irrigation and Hydraulics Dep. Faculty of Engineering Mansoura University.
2014 – 2015: Dean of MISR High Institute for Engineering and Technology, Mansoura, Egypt.
2013 – 2014: Head of Civil Engineering Department, MISR High Institute for Engineering and Technology, Mansoura, Egypt.
2012 – 2013: Head of Irrigation and Hydraulics Dep. Faculty of Engineering Mansoura University.
2000 – 2011: Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Irrigation and Hydraulics Dep. Faculty of Engineering Mansoura University.
1990 – 2000: Lecturer Irrigation and Hydraulics Dep. Faculty of Engineering Mansoura University.
1984 – 1990: Assistance Lecturer Irrigation and Hydraulics Dep. Faculty of Engineering Mansoura University.
1978 – 1984: Demonstrator Irrigation and Hydraulics Dep. Faculty of Engineering Mansoura University.
1990 – Present: Owner and General Manager of Studies and Consultant Engineering Center.
Field Experience
For 40 years, Prof. Dr. Osami Rageh has been involved in a lot of Mega projects in the field of harbor engineering and other civil engineering fields as a member of the faculty of engineering staff and owner of “The Studies& Consultants Engineering Center”.
Consultant of Damietta Port Authority from 1991-1993.
Design of Ras-Sedr Marina- North Sinai Governorate, Egypt.
Design of Floating Berth – Naema Bay – Sharm El-Shikh, Egypt.
Environmental evaluation and study of El-Shakik shoreline stability- Saudi Arabia.
Evaluating and studying the reasons for Berth No. 6 collapse, and Rehabilitation methodology, Damietta Port, Egypt.
Study the reasons for the eastern anchored buoy failure and Suezcanal entrance and evaluate the cost of maintenance (Port Saied Harbour).
Study the capability of using the DEMAG-TC 1200 mobile crane in, Damietta Port, Egypt.
Stability analysis and check of stress in General Cargo berths No 5, 6,7,8 Damietta Port, due to using Gttwald mobile harbor crane HMK 280 E, Egypt.
Extracting of Shoreline in Baltim Beach Using Remote Sensing and Global Positioning System (GPS) Techniques.
Studying Changes along Gamasa Beach, Egypt.
Reviewing the design of the Rehabilitation of container terminal quay wall in Damietta port.
Design Floating berths for River Bus at Damietta Branch Mansoura City (5 berths).
Design Floating berths for River Bus at Damietta Branch Talkha City (2 berths).
Implementation supervision for Rehabilitation of container terminal quay wall in Damietta port (Owner Consultant).
For the Last five Years:
“Experimental Study on Improving the Efficiency of Submerged Breakwaters by Using Vertically Slotted Wave Screen” O. S. Rageh; M. El-Gamal and M. Ib. Saad Accepted in Journal of Al Azhar University Engineering Sector, Feb. 2014.
“Extracting of Shoreline in Baltim Beach Using Remote Sensing and Global Positioning System (GPS) Techniques” Osami S.Rageh, Bahaa A. El-Sharnouby, Kassem S. El-Alfy, and Mohamed M. El-Sharabasy, Mansoura Engineering, Journal (MEJ), vol. 39, No. 3 September 2014.
“Extracting of Shoreline in Baltim Beach Using LANDSAT-8 and Global Positioning System (GPS) Techniques” Osami S.Rageh, Bahaa A. El-Sharnouby, Kassem S. El-Alfy, and Mohamed M. El-Shatabasy International Journal of Engineering Research and Application (IJERA), October 2014.
“Coastal Changes along Gamasa Beach, Egypt” Osami S.Rageh, Bahaa A. El-Sharnouby, Kassem S. El-Alfy, and Mohamed M. El-Shatabasy International Journal of Coastal Development, January 2016.
“Developing empirical formulas for assessing the hydrodynamic behavior of serrated and slotted seawalls” Osami S.Rageh, Nassar, K., Mahmod, W. E., Tawfik, A., Negm, A., & Fath, H. (2018). Developing empirical formulas for assessing the hydrodynamic behavior of serrated and slotted seawalls. Ocean Engineering, 159, 388-409.
“Navigation Channel Problems Due To Sedimentation” Osami S. Rageh, Mohsen M. Ezzeldin, and Mahmoud E. Saad, The International Maritime and Logistics Conference “Marlog 8” Towards Global Competitiveness in Maritime Industry “Investing in Ports” The Trends, The Future 17 – 19 March 2019.
“Wave transformation behind permeable breakwater” Osami S. Rageh, Tharwat A. Sarhan, Reham M. Ezz-Eldin, May R. ElKotby, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 8, August-2019.
“Assessment of deep navigation channels impact on adjacent shorelines, case study: navigation channel of Damietta harbor” Osami S. Rageh, Mohsen M. Ezzeldin and Mahmoud E. Saad, Water Science and Engineering, 2019, Under Publishing.
Conferences 8th International Engineering Conference – Sharm El-Shikh- Egypt- November, 2015.
The International Maritime and Logistics Conference “Marlog 8” Towards Global Competitiveness in Maritime Industry “Investing in Ports” The Trends, The Future, Alexandria, Egypt, March 2019.